Blood Star is a unique action-RPG shooter that draws inspiration from games like Diablo, DoDonPachi, and Don't Starve.

In Blood Star, you will play a clone soldier created by the "Blast Corporation". Blast Corporation is a multinational, intergalactic, power hungry company, which feeds off of the resources of the universe to turn huge profits!
Out of these resources, Blast Corporation primarily seeks the legendary "Blood Fragments" and "Blood Diamonds". These gems are not only beautiful, but are strong sources of energy (and taste delicious topped with a touch of whipped cream!) .
You are sent from planet to planet in search of these Blood Fragments and to wipe out anything in your way, whilst travelling to the so called “Blood Star,” a red star that provides energy to all the planets in the solar system.
It is up to you to either join the evil Blast Corporation in their mission to take over the galaxy, or to rise against them and become the leader of your own clone army and gain the true power of the Blood Star for yourself!

Blood Star is an action role-playing shooter, with inspiration drawn from games like Diablo, Dodonpachi, Rise of the Triad, and Don’t Starve.
Blood Star mixes classic “danmaku” shooting gameplay, with its barrage of enemy projectiles, with extensive player customization and RPG mechanics. This unique mix of genres provides an intense, fun, and deep experience that will have you always coming back for more!
Blood Star uses a fast paced “Chain” combo system; whenever the player attacks an enemy, a short attack chain countdown starts. For every attack the player chains together, the countdown is reset and the player receives extra points. These points are turned into “Blood Fragments” which can be used to level up the player, upgrade weapons, and buy items.
Enemies will drop weapons, power-ups and other items when they are defeated. Every weapon has unique abilities and can be customized using the aforementioned power-ups. Power-ups add additional abilities such as increased damage, attack drones, bullet patterns and many more! Every so often, you will unlock equipment which will boost your stats and add additional abilities such as increased speed, slower chain timer, and more. Additionally, the player can use a dash move that stuns enemies and deflect enemy projectiles back at them, if timed correctly.
By combining these abilities, you will soon become the most powerful clone in the entire galaxy and harness the power of the Blood Star!